Sunday, 15 March 2015

Feeding time at the zoo

We have both had quite allot to eat whilst we have been in Salta...
we started off feeling full all day long after eating just one normal meal, but now can eat ice cream after it as well... 

I think Nic said I would go on about the vehicles here in a blog.. well there are lots, and not to bore you too much.....The most exciting vehicle that I have seen here is the Hillman Avenger!!! yes still alive and kicking here in the big A. There are also many Renault 12 still going strong (some not so strong) but they seem to be able to keep just about anything going here.Good to see loads of bull nosed Mercedes trucks hauling everything around, but it looks like Scania are the trucks to have out here.
The picture above is of me looking at a piston!! these types of shrine are to be found on the side of all roads. Some are shrines to Gaucho Gill (a saint of the road I think) others like this one seem to be a shrine to the motor vehicle.. Very interesting I hear you say....

What more can I say..... Beer cake and crisps.

Just a shot of happier days... The shirt you see me wearing is no more.. It was a sad day when I realised that the sun had reduced it to shreds... What fun we had together.. Farewell old shirt, you will not be forgotten.

Tomorrow we will set off again, up into the mountains, sort of heading back to Buenos Aires, but as I am sure you realise... it will not be that direct a route.
Until next time.

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