On our way through Germany we remembered that we actually had some friends!! Yes even living in Germany.... so here you have it, Mike and Julia with
Jon on a little walk through the woods
around Heidelberg. They looked after us very well ,feeding us up, showing us all of the best sights in the area and educating us on the measuring of the distance from the earth to the stars ( heavy stuff).Michael took us on a "gentle 10km " bike ride.It took 37km's to complete and included an obligatory 33min time trial up Heidelberg's biggest hill. We also had some of the best weather..... sunny and hot.

Catching the last of the Autumnal sun on the banks of the Rhine

Jon seems to have got an
obsession with his boots... he spends hours and hours gluing them together.,cutting old inner tubes up to make patches... and now after buying some polish in
Lidl, he is changing the colour from brown to black!!!It is not necessarily an improvement.

As you can see the weather stayed as sunny and hot... Here
Nic is enjoying an Ice cream again on the Rhine.

What a great surprise... Andrew came out to meet us in Dusseldorf.. we had a night in a
hostel.. a bit of wine.. then a walk
around the city.. We then went our separate ways, Andrew North and us West.
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