Lake Baikal is HUGE.We spent 3 days cycling along it,and finding muddy tracks down to deserted beaches,and thats only a tiny bit of it ! Just the best camping ..... the only problem is believing that the water is not salty!

Crossing the Trans Siberian... .For the usual reasons [an almost manic tendancy to explore unlikely looking tracks ]we found ourselves having to go both over ,and then later,under ,the railway tracks.The line is very busy....there's a lot of wood and coal on the move.China needs its raw materials. Looks like a train may be on the way according to Nic's face?

This is why we had to cross the tracks! And it was all looking vaguely promising before.....[we never learn !!]

A swim.... in Baikal...Very cold! that's why there is no picture of Jon in the sea.

Russian translation.... but we understand... good roads... not so good drivers.
Where are we now? In Irkutsk.....After complete failure last night [a few Russki yazik /language problems and intimidation by scary railway ladies ] today we have got tickets [we think! ]for a train that leaves for Moscow this evening [we think ! ] We get there on the 30th ....4 days time [we think !],at 4 a.m in the morning [we think ! ],with our bikes in the baggage car [which we think there is !]. Wish us luck !
Over and out....
Please use your helmets:
Well in the train you can do without.