The churches that fell into disrepair during the Communist era are all being rebuilt and restored.. Some beautiful buildings.
Even at night there are wonderful sights.. We didn't take a picture of the tv tower, but its like a constant firework display... every night!! Think this is David the Builder (he got in even before Bob)
This guy didn't speak any english but then again I speak (or spoke at the time!!) very little Russian. So it took a while for me to convince him that I did know how to take the sprocket off the hub.. But once I had convinced him that I did know what I was on about.. he was invaluable. He is also the mechanic for the Iberian Cycling team!! Their team car is a fiat cincenquento!! gives you an idea of their budget.
The smoked fish market!! the fish was wonderful.. very tasty.. and reasonably priced.. It was also handily situated just down the road from the brewery that sold beer from windows in the side, all you had to do was bring an empty container and they would fill it up.. So we saw many groups of men sitting on the banks of the river drinking beer and eating fish.. How civilised.. (I thought)

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