On the way to mount nemrut, we met these two old characteres. King Antichos is shaking hands with Heracles, and trying to ignore Jon. ( quite imposible) You will also notice.. not only has Jon got thinner, he is also a lot smaller than the average man ( height wise that is!!)
These are really beautifull sculptures, in almost perfect condition despite being around 2000 years old (Jons in quite good condition too) We feel very lucky to have seen them.

Can you see Nic?? she is down there somewhere!! This is the entrance to a secret religious meeting place. İts over 2000 years old, (but everything is around here!)

We were brought to Şanliurfa by the belgian boys.. (who had been before) they soon convinced us to stay a night and showed us around the city.. What a beautiful place.. its a very important pilgrimage site.. these are just a few of the sacred fish.. in the main park there,s a maze of fresh spring fed lakes and rivers. Since the fish are sacred and fed!! they are thriving..

Gregoires face a week after the accident.. He was enjoying himself so much cycling down hill he thought he could fly!! A huge boulder at the side of the road abruptly brought him back to earth... There was blood everywhere and you should have seen his bike:: Luckily the bike was made from steel ( so repaired at the next town by a welder called Yusef.. he also signed the bike after the repair.) and Belgians have tough heads. Though he did get a trip to a Syrian hospital. Oh yes !!!! and they left us in the desert.. İn a sand storm... wıth NO FOOD!!!!
well actually Jons reknowned one pot cooking means he can create a meal out of camel dung and sand, wıth a hint of tumble weed. So we were alright..

These are the happy happy Spaniards.. We met them at the snow line on mount Nemrhut.. They were the only other people crazy enough to be up there. We had a 2.5 hr moon lit walk up to the summit and back, to look at the stone hats!! that was all that was sticking out of the snow.. the famous heads were well buried. we did see the ones on the eastern terrace though. The spanish however were sensible enough to have walked up there!! you can guess how we got there.. Notice the carpet in their tent! Say no more..
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