The fantastic school kids
Heavy rain delayed our start to the second leg of the trip... İt did mean that we got taken out for a lovely meal with Alan and Janet (nic on the racki again).. But in the morning the sun was up and we were off.. A steady start but we soon gained our rythem! heading past Fethiye (nic found a smelly terrapin on the road and saved it from a terrible death.(am stıll wonderıng why i sniffed it...nic)
We headed allong the coast past oludeniz (beautıful coast line) following a road marked on the map.. several hrs later we made it to a village where we found out that... Yol Yok... which means road not!! no more road.. İm not saying that the map was wrong but to say some of the detail was missing would be a bit shy of the truth!! Then the heavens opened Thunder etc . Next day back track to the rıght road and over the tops and onwards..
Of course we got lured back into the mountains.Cycled uphill so steeply we were both privately thinking our legs had gone useless.....hence the need for the great granny ring.
Spent one morning at a great little primary school near Kremma (ancient monument .....i was feeling a bit like one myself by this time...too many long cold nights camping ..) mainly amusing the kids with our shocking turkish.
Our short wave radio has meant that at 2 a.m or whenever we both realise the other is awake tooş jon can fiddle around through all the space static to get us 2 mins of china radio ! (it is awful !)
Have arrived in cappodocia....!Cycled across the flatest of flat plains for 2 days......and finally got well and truly got by a huge snarling metal spiked collared dog ! He came out of nowhere and ripped one of jons panniers right off....then a couple of mins later put a hole in mine.Outrunning them is not an option...and only seems to wind them up more.
Today have had great day exploring rock dwellings in the İlhara valley.Phil would have 'wow'ed himself to exhaustion
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