Just an idea for anyone who has a bit of money to spare...Buy a Hymac a Moxy and a Pecker!! Go out to the coast of Albania.. You would make a fortune!!.. They are knocking the place to hell.. get in there quick there wont be much left soon..
The coast of Greece didn't fail to amaze us.... beautiful
But what was a great surprise was the weather! it has been the worst of the whole trip!! rain cold.. having to spend time in tunnels and bus shelters for a rest from the persistent rain!! it hasn't stopped us from enjoying the scenery though.. the mountains have been fantastic, deep gorges, high mountains and full rivers and water falls..
we have actually met up with another cyclist.. he is from Switzerland and riding to Asia.. so we have been riding together for the last 2 days as we are both going to Turkey. [ Jon and gaetan have been crashing together too, on their first day. ...i wont say who,s fault it was but jon did swerve sharply ]
What else. Well,greece being the cradle of civilisation and all that,it has been noticably civilised here ,especially compared to other countries we,ve been in ,.More relaxing but less exciting...As i said to jon ,they,ve been responsible for some great ideas ,the greeks,and jon said yes,he did think feta and olives were two good greek ideas.
We,ve been chased by lots of dogs now,some quite seriously nasty. The tables though are turning. Now we are riding as a three we,ve started to turn and chase them,,,,ha,ha that gives them something they did,nt expect,. Me and jon though are looking out for the right bit of roadside plastic to make holsters for our big dog sticks that,ll be right at hand down the rear stay. Sorry ,getting a bit technical now,,,have had too many engineering lectures from jon.What i know about S.K.F.bearings amazes me. If you are lucky you will escape this blog without hearing all about greek pick ups.
Forgot to tell you all about the pickups!! I could not believe the age of them.. I saw when we got here a Datsun pick up.. I had one the same over 20 years ago and it was old then.. They are still going.. Datsun.. Mazda..even a Suzuki..
anyway off to drink some beer now Phew!!
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