Thursday, 9 April 2015

Probably the last post. Tomorrow the vast nothing back to B.A begins.!

Ola.! Todays computer misfunction is the last 2 photos on this post should be first .Ha !
So,after dragging our bikes across the too too muddy sections....great sport at over 4500mtrs  ..(at least it made me giggle twice, Jon was a bit more grim )...we got to the top just in time to put all our clothes on.

Look what happened! The summit is still in the picture. this is the first stop to do star jumps and sprints to try and keep warm . Hail,thunder and lightening.

Frio....but muy lindo.

Usual breakfast. Porridge with our argentinian addiction.....a good dollop of dulche de leche.

We have looked at quite a lot of cactuses now

A not very good picture of a whole nest of spiders coming out for an evening of web spinning and catching things.We were camped nearby and they were all bundled up together at the base of a tall grass. Then at dusk the bundle came alive ! They are quite chunky spiders too. But...

...not as big as this fella.

Back to another pass where we had to do star jumps and sprints. Luckily it sort of cleared near the bottom ,because though we knew it was spectacular we could,nt see for rain/mist.

Jon displaying his courage.

Jon displaying his command over dogs.

Jon. Yesterday.
How could you not go for it when it looks so good.
Ha .ha. Fun with mud at riduculous altitude.

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