Saturday, 25 September 2010
crackers in Krakow by clare nic and jon take no resposibility for the content
Kracking Krakow
This is what happens next. We have to make up our own route across frosty muddy fields and rivers [I don’t know why I let Jon take my bike across this bridge when he had just dropped his in ] , to get back to what might be the right road.
The Tatra mtns in
Extra Wheel. As we had popped into the factory that makes our trailor on the way out, so we popped by to show them how well it had done on the way back. Instead of a mere refurbishment, they gave us a new one ! How kind is that. This is Pavel inspecting our old one.
At last. Our
Tomorrow as our tour guide is deserting us ,we are heading off too…..west towards
Ukraine to Poland
Another coffee dear? After leaving Kharkov we pedaled west across rural Ukraine, helping ourselves to apples and walnuts which line the roads, getting water from village wells ,and kilos of peppers from roadside sellers[everything is sold by the bucket load so we had peppers with everything for 3 days ]until we begun to have a proper appreciation of just how big the Ukraine is. Every day we indulged in a civilized “real”coffee break mid morning….using our Kelly kettle which is good fun [as well as ultra efficient at boiling water].
See if you can find Jon? After looking so wonderful the sunflowers all go through a dismal period of morbid introspection; fields of brown drooping heads. You can’t blame them as they will shortly have their heads cut off, and you truly do not want the J .Bargett lecture on sunflower harvesting techniques.[ which I suspect is not as factually correct as it sounds ].
Just a normal morning. Jon is up making coffee and Nic is still sensibly feigning deep sleep in her snug sleeping bag, in the tent pitched right next to the very meandering Dnister river.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
The view up the line…… pretty much the same as the view down the line…..for days…..and days….and days!!
Best thing to do is sleep! Luckily Jon is a champion sleeper.
St Basils Cathedral Red Square Moscow. You can see where he got his inspiration for the onion domes…